Xpress Locksmith 24/7
You know how to do your job exceptionally well – why spend your time?
At Xpress Locksmith in Philadelphia is our business as a 24 hour locksmith.


Car Key Replacement

Lock Change

Eviction Locksmith


Locksmith Near Me
No Project Too Big Or Too Small
Xpress Locksmith is a family-owned and -operated business 24 hour locksmith– always have been, always will be. We’ve made locksmith of every variety – from residences to industrial sites – our life’s work. Give us a call today and see what a difference we can make for you.
24/7-BBB accredited Family owned
Xpress Locksmith 24/7-BBB accredited Family owned licensed and bonded. Specialize in Auto Locksmith, Car Key Maker, Car Key Replacement, Eviction Locksmith, KeyMe Locksmith, Lock Change, Lockout, Locksmith, Locksmith Near Me and Sheriff Eviction Locksmith.
Client Testimonials
I bought a car from the auction last week and i had to make new keys to it . My 2000 Cadillac Escalade running great now , thanks to your courteous and professional technician . I was satisfied and he said any problems with the lock he will come back for free.
I left my all set of keys in the taxi last night and i had to get into my home again . i got a call from the tech say he will arrive in 20 min and i was surprised to see that he really came on time . He took all my worries away after unlocking my door and changing my locks on the spot.